Heartbreaking, important, beautifully told story. ❤️ And yes, a newsletter dedicated to this stories and others about your life that weave in and out would be wonderful. Your writing is a gift.

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I love your writing and would very much like more of this sort of memoir / personal essay. I’m so moved by the story you’re telling.

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If you feel you want to continue writing the personal stuff I would love to read it.

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As others have said, more please. These mothers deserve to have their stories told... you will write it carefully and beautifully as you always do. Sending love

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Yes, please. More of this story. It’s beautiful and tragic. Too compelling to stop now.

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Utterly heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing this. These women and their childrens’ stories need to be told. I hope you will.

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Hi Dave, What the young women went through is awful. Your writing is very strong and emotional I would certainly carry on reading, these stories need to be told. Look forward to next post.

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Powerful writing Dave. I would sign up somewhere to read more if you chose to post. Keep well x

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Oh Dave. This is harrowing but I understand why it deserves to be told, on Seven Streets or elsewhere. Thank you for trusting us readers with it.

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Please share as much of the story as you feel able to keep doing. It’s heartbreaking but vital x

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All I can say is how important this is. What you’re writing, what you’re doing - it needs to be told. To be read.

Sending love x

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this is gorgeous. i've fallen head over heels for your writing (I don't feel standing to say anything about the content, what could I possibly say that you haven't already?). but please dont go. I think yours is the first susbstack I've ever truly connected with

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thanks so much Faith, that's so lovely of you. I'll do my best not to make you sick of me very soon (which is always a possibility)

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Please carry on writing this David. Its so important to know.

My cousin was sent away from London in the late 60s when she fell pregnant as a teenager. Fortunately my mum and dad looked after her in Liverpool. Mum was pregnant with me at the time. I was kept, whilst my cousin's baby was given away.

My mum always regretted not fighting that decision. But my dad's sister and her husband didn't want shame being brought upon their household. Cruel times they were.

Mum and my cousin remained close until my mum died. My cousin never had another child.

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It's incredible to believe how deeply set those attitudes were, isn't it. So sorry to hear that Jen x

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