this is gorgeous. is it part of a longer piece?

also this line: "I mean, I love Poirot, but I mostly watch it for the furniture." is especially magnificent.

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thank you. That's my favourite line too (if I'm allowed one) - yes, kinda... It's part of a series of excursions into the whole 'who the hell am I' problem I seem to be, still, tussling with.

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it's always lovely when our creative darlings turn out to be actual darlings. <3

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Beautiful writing, always.

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Wonderfully written...poignant, sad and witty.

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There aren't many more bleak places in which to have a bleak experience whilst feeling bleak. It's an exceptional writer who can convey all of that bleakness by using words of warmth, colour, humour and intensity. Thank you.

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Beautifully written. Amazing work. 💫❤️

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I really loved reading this, thank you

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